MySQL Migration Toolkit の主な機能

Direct migration or export into MySQL script file.
Direct Migration
Filter data via SELECT-queries.
Filter Data
Get even more flexibility of the conversion process.
Command Line Support
Customizing the structure of a destination table is as easy as 1-2-3.
Table Structure Customization
Direct migration or export into MySQL script file.

Direct migration or export into MySQL script file.

MySQL Migration Toolkit allows either data to MySQL directly or export into a migrate local script file. This file contains MySQL statements to create all tables and to fill them with the data. Later you can import script file to MySQL server using phpMyAdmin or command line MySQL client application.

Filter data via SELECT-queries.

Filter data via SELECT-queries.

Powerful option to customize the resulting data. This feature allows you to select and rename certain columns, skip NULL values, merge multiple tables into a single one and others.

Get even more flexibility of the conversion process.

Get even more flexibility of the conversion process.

Command line support allows automate and schedule the migration. It is possible to either specify each conversion parameter or load all necessary settings from previously created profile. Command line version of each tool is called x2y_agent.exe, where ‘x’ and ‘y’ are first letters of source and destination databases. For example, a2s_agent.exe is command line version of Access to MySQL converter.

Customizing the structure of a destination table is as easy as 1-2-3.

Customizing the structure of a destination table is as easy as 1-2-3.

This feature allows you to select/unselect columns, change data type or size, default values for the destination table.