Nevron Barcode for SharePoint (英語版)
Nevron 社の製品
1999 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
価格:¥ 145,090 (税込)〜 バージョン: 2022.1 更新日: Apr 6, 2022
Nevron Barcode for SharePoint (英語版)のご希望のライセンス条件については、当社のNevron専門のライセンス担当者にお問い合わせください。
Server License: One license is required per server.
Subscription includes: Includes upgrades to new major versions and patches when they come out. With the Subscription Licenses, you will gain access to all new features and functionality for one full year.
Support - Support is provided via a support portal, customers will receive 5 free support tickets with their purchase. Subscription customers will receive 10 support tickets and full year of major version releases.
Important - Please note that there may be a delay before you can use this software as a unique License key has to be generated using your order details. The License Key to unlock the full retail version will be sent to you by email as soon as possible.