Nevron Open Vision for .NET(英語版)

Nevron Open Vision for .NET is a cross-platform, browser-like framework based on .NET. It provides a powerful set of widgets and heavy components, so that you can target multiple operating systems and environments from a single code base. Nevron Open Vision (NOV) changes the way in which you think and develop for .NET. Now you can write presentation layer code that runs on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS without any modifications. NOV is very similar to a modern browser, but without the limitations of HTML and with exclusive integration and virtualization features. NOV aims to run on all major operating systems and integrate with already existing .NET-based presentation layers. NOV is not just a framework for portable application development - if you need premium quality presentation layer components for any of the NOV supported environments you can simply use the ones developed with NOV. NOV offers countless benefits for developers, project managers and component vendors alike.

Nevron Open Vision for .NET includes:

  • NOV UI for .NET - A complete and feature-rich set of cross-platform User Interface elements (widgets), which completely eliminate the need to use any platform specific controls.
  • NOV Grid for .NET - A high performance Data Grid component for displaying and editing tabular data within your applications.
  • NOV Rich Text Editor for .NET - Feature-rich text editor for all NOV platforms. Embed state of the art Word like processing into your .NET applications.
  • NOV...


June 17, 2024Product Update
NOV Diagram for .NET 2024.1では、レイヤー機能の導入により、複雑な作図プロジェクトの設計管理を強化
June 12, 2024Product Update
NOV Chart for .NET 2024.1では、新しいグリッド、メッシュ、三角型、頂点の等高線グラフの種類で視覚化機能を拡張
NOV Diagram for .NET 2023.1
NOV Diagram for .NET 2023.1
May 17, 2023新バージョン
.NET Core 7.0のサポートおよびSVGのエクスポート機能を改善
Nevron Open Vision for .NET 2023.1
Nevron Open Vision for .NET 2023.1
May 17, 2023新バージョン
.NET Core 7.0およびグラフをコントロールする3Dレンダリングエンジンに対応
NOV UI for .NET 2023.1
NOV UI for .NET 2023.1
May 17, 2023新バージョン
.NET Core 7.0に対応
NOV Schedule for .NET 2023.1
NOV Schedule for .NET 2023.1
May 17, 2023新バージョン
.NET Core 7.0に対応

価格:¥ 318,780 (税込)〜

One Software License is required per developer。 If you have a large project、 part of which will be developed with Nevron Open Vision you need to license only the developers that will be actively...


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公式認定ディストリビューターとして Nevron 社の正式ライセンスをお客様に直接お届けいたします。
Component Type
  • .NET WinForms
  • .NET Class
  • .NET WPF
  • Blazor

