Oxygen Feedback V4.1 Build ID: 2024013118

Released: Feb 1, 2024

V4.1 Build ID: 2024013118 での更新項目


Admin Interface

  • Site Overview Information in the Site Dashboard - You can now get all relevant site information at a glance, such as the activity stream, the various versions defined for that site, a chart presenting the status overview for the existing comments, page views, page ratings, and more. All of these are available from the new Site Dashboard page that is the default page for a site.
  • Warning for Sites and Versions with no Page Views - Warning messages and indicators are presented in several places in the interface to inform you when a site or version has no page views (on site and version tiles, and within the sites widget from the Dashboard page). No page views usually means that the site/version has not been installed, so these warnings are meant to offer troubleshooting hints directly within the admin interface.
  • Integrated Technical Support Form - A new Technical Support page is available from the left stripe of the interface, allowing you to contact the support team using the form available on this page. This page also contains links to helpful resources, such as a video demonstration about installing Oxygen Feedback and relevant documentation topics.
  • Improved UI for Site Versions - You can benefit from an optimized workflow when working with sites that have multiple versions. The default action on a version now opens the Version Settings page, and the version tiles are now sorted in descending order so that the most recent version is listed first.

Comments Component Installation

  • Debug Integration Problems - You can now quickly identify installation issues by taking advantage of a new option (Display in-place error messages for comments component) that is available in the Version Settings page. If any issues arise during the integration process and this feature is enabled, an informative error message will be presented directly in the location where the comments component should appear.

Notification Emails

  • Improvements for Notification Emails - Some of the messages sent in notification emails for various events have been improved to make the information more clear and consistent. The layout has also been enhanced for some of the types of messages. For instance, the layout has been improved for the table that is presented in the page ratings notification emails, making it more readable and clear.

Component Updates

  • Updated the logback-classic library to version 1.2.13.
  • Updated the logback-core library to version 1.2.13.
  • Updated the Apache POI libraries used for various conversions from MS Excel to version 5.2.5.
  • Updated the Apache Commons IO utilities library to version 2.15.0.
  • Updated the spring-boot-dependencies library to version 2.7.18.