

PDFlib pCOS(英語版)


PDFlib 社の製品
2003 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。


PDFlib pCOS 4 reached its end-of-life in August 2018. Customers who accessed the pCOS programming interface via the pCOS product can continue this use, but should be aware of the fact that there will be no updates nor maintenance in the future.

It is recommended to switch to PDFlib PLOP 5 as successor of PDFlib pCOS 4.

Customers who wish to keep their pCOS application up to date can switch to one...

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PDFlib pCOS 4 reached its end-of-life in August 2018. Customers who accessed the pCOS programming interface via the pCOS product can continue this use, but should be aware of the fact that there will be no updates nor maintenance in the future.

It is recommended to switch to PDFlib PLOP 5 as successor of PDFlib pCOS 4.

Customers who wish to keep their pCOS application up to date can switch to one of the alternative products that includes the pCOS programming interface, see list below:

  • PDFlib+PDI
  • PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS)
  • PDFlib TET
  • PDFlib PLOP
  • PDFlib PLOP DS
  • PDFlib TET PDF IFilter.

The core pCOS functionality offered by the pCOS interface within other products will be fully supported in the future.

PDFlib pCOS について


PDFlib pCOS はページ中身の一部ではないPDF文書からのどんな情報でも検索するために単純な、そしてエレガントな使いやすさを提供します。例えば、PDFメタデータ、対話型のエレメント(リンクなど)、あるいはページ寸法を容易に pCOS で問い合わせることができます。pCOS でいろいろな面白い項目を引き出して、そして異なった目的で出力を作成することができます。一つのコールで多数のPDFドキュメントを処理することによって、容易に文書情報項目のサマリー、ページの体裁、フォント、あるいは他のいかなる特性でも作成することができます。表形式出力と合わせてこれは強力なPDF管理ツールを提供します。

PDFlib pCOS - PDF Information Retrieval Tool
There are many every-day pCOS applications for PDF practitioners, but you can also use PDFlib pCOS as a tool for learning or debugging PDF. Here are some typical scenarios:

  • Check incoming documents for predefined criteria
  • Identify problem files in a large collection
  • Create metadata summaries for document management
  • Quality assurance before publishing documents
  • Document retrieval and repository workflows
  • Summarize the bookmarks
  • Extract components of PDF documents, e.g. ICC profiles
  • Check PDFs for security problems (JavaScript etc.)