PDFlib+PDI(英語版) のスクリーンショットPDFlib is a developer toolbox for generating and manipulating files in the Portable Document Format (PDF). PDFlib’s main
targets are dynamic PDF creation on a Web server or any other server system, and to implement »Save as PDF« in existing applications.

PDFlib+PDI(英語版) のスクリーンショットGenerate PDF documents on disk file or directly in memory (for Web servers). High-volume output and arbitrary PDF file size (even beyond 10 GB). Suspend/resume and insert page features to create pages out of order.

PDFlib+PDI(英語版) のスクリーンショットMerge multiple PDF documents. (Requires PDFlib+PDI/PPS 7)

PDFlib+PDI(英語版) のスクリーンショットTable formatter places rows and columns, and automatically calculates their sizes according to a variety of user preferences. Tables can be split across multiple pages. Table cells can hold single- or multi-line text, images, PDF pages, path objects, annotations, and form fields. Table cells can be formatted with ruling and shading options. Flexible stamping function. Matchbox concept for referencing the coordinates of placed images or other objects.

PDFlib+PDI(英語版) のスクリーンショットText output in different fonts; underlined, overlined, and strikeout text. Glyphs in a font can be addressed by numerical value, Unicode value, or glyph name. Kerning for improved character spacing. Artificial bold, italic, and shadow text. Create text on a path. Proportional widths for standard CJK fonts. Configurable replacement of missing glyphs.

PDFlib+PDI(英語版) のスクリーンショットCreate a linearized PDF (for fast delivery over the Web, also know as "fast Web view") which is encypted and contains form fields.

Mini SamplesThe mini samples (hello, image, pdfclock, etc.) are available in all packages and for all language bindings. They provide minimalistic sample code for text output, images, and vector graphics. The mini samples are useful for testing your PDFlib installation, and for getting a very quick overview of writing PDFlib applications.

ColorGrayscale, RGB (numerical, hexadecimal strings, HTML color names), CMYK, CIE Lab color. Integrated support for PANTONE colors (incl. PANTONE Goe) and HKS colors. User-defined spot colors. Color management - ICC-based color with ICC profiles; support for ICC 4 profiles. Rendering intent for text, graphics, and raster images. Default gray, RGB, and CMYK color spaces to remap device-dependent colors. ICC profiles as output intent for PDF/A and PDF/X.

PDF FlavorsPDF 1.3 – PDF 1.7ext3 (Acrobat 4–9) including ISO 32000-1 (=PDF 1.7). Linearized (web-optimized) PDF for byteserving over the Web. Tagged PDF for accessibility and reflow. Marked Content for adding application-specific data or alternate text without Tagging.

TextflowFormat text into one or more rectangular or arbitrarily shaped areas with hyphenation (user-supplied hyphenation points required), font and color changes, justification methods, tabs, leaders, control commands; wrap text around images. Advanced line-breaking with language-specific processing. Flexible image placement and formatting. Wrap text around images or image clipping paths.

GraphicsCommon vector graphics primitives: lines, curves, arcs, ellipses*, rectangles, etc. Smooth shadings (color blends), pattern fills and strokes. Transparency (opacity) and blend modes. External graphical content (Reference XObjects) for variable data printing. Reusable path objects and clipping paths imported from images.