RapidSpell Silverlight について

Add dialog spell checking to your Silverlight applications (SL v3, v4 and Windows Phone 7).

RapidSpell Silverlight supports plain text boxes, rich text boxes (SL v4) and 3rd party controls. RapidSpell Silverlight includes 2 spelling controls; RapidSpellDialog which has all the usual GUI features, add, undo, options, change, change all, ignore, ignore all, smart suggestions and double word detection. Checks selections, whole documents with wrap at end, and accepts manual corrections and RapidSpellChecker which is the engine in the API, it can be used to spell check strings and can form the basis of a custom user experience. Designed to have a minimal foot-print, uncompressed, the DLL and English dictionary total only 570KB.

RapidSpell includes 2 spelling controls; RapidSpellDialog for dialog based spell checking and RapidSpellChecker the engine for spell checking strings.

  • RapidSpellDialog - RapidSpellDialog has all the usual GUI features, add, undo, options, change, change all, ignore, ignore all, smart suggestions and double word detection. Checks selections, whole documents with wrap at end, and accepts manual corrections.
  • Options - The customizable option forms provide the user with several spell checking options and the ability to modify the contents of their 'user dictionary' (if activated).
  • RapidSpellChecker - RapidSpellChecker is the engine in the API, it can be used to spell check strings and can form the basis of a custom user experience.
  • Dict Manager - RapidSpell includes Dict Manager free, which allows complete customization of the dictionaries.

The API was designed to provide for easy customization. The dialog GUIs can be redesigned by simply modifying the UI XAML in the VS designer, source is included in the demo projects. The behavior of the GUI can be customized by modifying the XAML codebehind or the presenter class (through subclassing).

Multiple text box checking
The RapidSpellDialog control can be easily set to check multiple text boxes on a form.

Dictionary customization
Dict Manager (free), allows RapidSpell Dict files to be customized and created using other word lists.

Comprehensive Silverlight version support
RapidSpell Silverlight includes dedicated DLLs for Silverlight 3, 4 and WP7.