SQL Provision(英語版)
DevOpsに合ったSQL Serverデータベースのコピーを作成、保護、管理
Redgate Software 社の製品
2005 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
SQL Provision supports a database DevOps approach while keeping compliance central to the process. With the virtual cloning technology in SQL Clone, databases can be created in seconds using just MB of storage, allowing for isolated development and testing. Data Masker for SQL Server replaces sensitive data with realistic, anonymized, test data. It removes the risk of inappropriate data visibility, the test data looks real, your development teams will never know the difference - and yet the sensitive information content remains completely secure.
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Ryan Hird, DevOps Engineer, Bennetts (Saga Group)
Compliant DevOps
A DevOps approach to software delivery encourages teams to work together to improve the efficiency and quality of every release. But provisioning realistic isolated environments quickly for development and testing is often a bottleneck to the process due to time and storage concerns.
Coupled with this, there is a growing demand from regulation such as the GDPR, HIPAA, and SOX to ensure that personally identifiable information (PII) is protected.
SQL Provision
SQL Provision...
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