SharePoint Lookup Pack(英語版+日本語版)


BoostSolutions 社の製品
2009 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

価格:¥ 248,820 (税込)〜 バージョン: v6.4/v4.9/v1.13 更新日: Dec 22, 2022

SharePoint Lookup Pack について


SharePoint参照機能を十分に活用させます。Cross-Site Lookupは、同一サイト コレクションでサイトを跨ぐ参照できます。また、参照時に特定のビューを指定することができます。ドロップダウン リストの選択肢が多い場合に、ドロップダウンから入力できます。入力内容に完全に一致するまたは部分に一致する内容は強調に表示されます。

SharePoint Cascaded Lookup
Cascaded Lookup is also a lookup tool with powerful features that establishes relationship with lists. It creates more choices on dropdown menus but at the same time cuts down choices as data is specified within each drop-down menu, thus also cutting down lookup time.

SharePoint Cross-site Lookup
Cross-site Lookup is a much simpler but feature-packed lookup tool that gets information from any site in a site collection. A find-as-you-type functionality filters items displayed in the lookup field according to a view defined in the source list.

SharePoint Lookup Tracker
Lookup Tracker - summarizes all information related to an item in a list. The page displays not only all items from which this item looks up, but also all items which look up information from this item. A "Related Information" link displays all connected information of the item.