Xtra Spell Checker(英語版)

Xtra Spell Checker offers a straightforward way to add Microsoft Office style spell checking capabilities into your next Windows application. It includes built in suggestion forms that replicate corresponding forms found in Microsoft Word and Outlook. Because these forms were built using Xtra Editors Library, they will seamlessly integrate into any application powered by DevExpress controls.

Built-in Dialogs and Check as You Type Mode

  • Spell Checking Dialogs - A choice of two error indication dialogs both replicating dialogs found in Microsoft Office.  
  • Check as You Type - Whether you use DevExpress, or standard text input controls, words that aren't in the dictionary can be underlined using a wavy red line. When activated, the Xtra Spell Checker automatically checks spelling as you type, word by word in a separate thread without affecting UI responsiveness.
  • Spelling Options - Easily...
One software license is required per developer。 You may install the product on more than one machine as long as each developer has their own license。 This allows you to install it on your work、 home...

Xtra Spell Checker(英語版)は、次の製品にも含まれています。


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公式認定ディストリビューターとして DevExpress 社の正式ライセンスをお客様に直接お届けいたします。
  • .NET WinForms
  • .NET Class
  • 100% Managed Code

