XtraGauges Suite について

Windows Formsアプリケーションにゲージやデジタル ダッシュボードを追加できます。

XtraGauges Suiteは出荷時に150以上のプレセットが搭載され、コントロールをフォームにドラッグ&ドロップするだけで使えます。手動による要素の作成や、見かけ、サイズ、レイアウトなどのカスタマイズの必要はありません。好みのテンプレートを選択し、コントロールをデータにバインドし、準備万端です。XtraGauges Suiteを採用すると、複数のゲージを一つのコンテナに入れ、自動的に整理ができます。コンテナが現在のサイズと割合を測り、最も適したゲージ レイアウトを判断します。フォームをリサイズした場合、ゲージも適宜にリサイズされ、空領域を有効活用できるようレイアウトが更新されます。WinFormsアプリケーション開発を本格的に開始でき、魅力的なゲージをすぐ導入できるよう、XtraGauges Suiteは総合的な仕様書やデモ アプリケーションと一緒に出荷されます。

XtraGauges Suite – Circular/Linear Gauges  

The XtraGauges Suite Control provides built-in presets for the following circular gauge types: Full, Three Quarters, Half, Quarter and Wide. Every Windows Forms gauge type listed above ships with multiple themes.

Gauge Scales - Depending on the preset you've selected, a gauge initially contains one or two scales. If you need more scales or if you are designing a Gauge from scratch, you can manually add a scale via the gauge's smart tag. Once scales have been created, you can click them to access their settings via the Properties window. This allows you to customize the following settings:

  • Upper and lower scale limits
  • Current value (can be bound to a data field)
  • Major tick mark visibility, appearance, frequency and label text format
  • Minor tick mark visibility, appearance and frequency
  • Scale dimensions and position

Additional Elements - The following elements are available for current value indicators.

  • Needles
  • Markers
  • Range bars (require an anchor value to be specified so that one end points to this value, while the other end points to the bound scale's current value).

You can further enhance your gauge by adding the following elements:

  • Freely-arranged text labels
  • Spindle caps
  • Embedded state indicator gauges

Needless to say, you can change location, orientation and appearance settings for all elements listed above.

XtraGauges Suite - Digital Gauges

The Gauge Control provides four types of digital gauges: seven-segment, fourteen-segment, 5x8 matrix and 8x14 matrix. All digital gauge types ship with multiple themes.

DevExpress Digital Gauge controls provides the following digital gauge settings:

  • The number of characters to be displayed
  • Character spacing
  • Customizable appearance for enabled and disabled segments
  • Data field used to supply display text (in data-bound mode)

State Indicator Gauges - These gauges can be used as:

  • Process state indicators (e.g. traffic lights gauge).
  • Value level indicators (e.g. smiley gauge).
  • Clipart, allowing you to enhance your application usability by incorporating explanatory images (e.g. state flags or currency symbol gauges).

The main benefit of using State Indicator Gauges is that the DevExpress Gauge controls use vector graphics so that images will preserve their quality regardless of their current size which in turn saves you the trouble of adjusting images to the required control size or vice versa - adjusting controls so that they fit images. Once you start using DevExpress Gauges, you will never again worry about resizing issues when using resizable containers - state indicators are automatically resized with their parent control.