Aspose.Words for Java のレビュー

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yaroslav.ivaniutenkoウクライナ5 つ星

Our company was impressed with the performance and quality of the product during our trial period. One of the standout features of Aspose.Words is its speed. We were impressed by how quickly the... 続きを読む


yaroslav.ivaniutenkoウクライナ5 つ星

Our company was impressed with the performance and quality of the product during our trial period. One of the standout features of Aspose.Words is its speed. We were impressed by how quickly the library was able to process large Word documents, even those with complex formatting or numerous embedded objects. Another strength of Aspose.Words is its support for a wide range of document formats. We were pleased to see that the library can not only work with Microsoft Word documents but also with other common formats like HTML, TXT, and PDF.

The library is able to faithfully reproduce the formatting and layout of Word documents, even those with complex designs or custom styles. This is important for us as we need to ensure that our output documents match the original source documents as closely as possible. Overall, we would highly recommend Aspose.Words to other software development firms or businesses that frequently work with Word documents or other document formats.

匿名 ご購入済みのお客様香港5 つ星
Ian Oldreyイギリス5 つ星

At Ten-25 we want to empower our customers to be the absolute best they can be, to play our part in the supply chain of their world. Thanks to Aspose.Words for JAVA, we have been able to take a big step in delivering that vision. Through its flexible and very user-friendly package, we are able to design document templates in Word to provide with our UT400 trading software. Our customers can then modify or create templates themselves, without even needing Word themselves. Having the freedom to create smart, professional document templates in their own brand style is a huge bonus for them, and there is absolutely no need for them to wait around for us to change things for them.

We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Aspose.Words for JAVA to developers, and our customers are extremely pleased to have such a powerful, useful tool at their disposal. It has definitely added value to our proposition, and helped our customers to be able to take proactive control of their own documentation without delay or additional expense. Which for us and our customers is a huge win-win.

mate.farkasHungary5 つ星

For our digitalization project, we needed to find a proper tool to convert docx files / templates to PDF. Our quite huge customer has lots of document templates with quite diverse content elements, such as logos, graphic elements, text, tables, checkboxes, placeholders, etc. And these not only in body, but in the docx headers and footers.

The expectation – as in most cases on the business side – to have the PDF documents typographically equivalent to their existing word templates – once they already have those designed and implemented, and changing them would result a high cost project.

The restrictions regarding the platform and the infrastructure were also challenging, considering that JAVA is to be used, and no separate 3rd Party component was allowed to be installed on the application servers. So easy ways, like having Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Print to PDF, or similar solutions from linux/UNIX world were not an option. Hence the only option to solve the problem was to find a proper solution that makes the work within our own application.

During the development phase we’ve tried several available tools, libraries both free and commercially available ones (e.g. Apache POI, PDFBOX, etc.), but majority of them had some lacks regarding the required functionality or features. Fortunately we found Aspose.Words for JAVA, and suddenly all problems disappeared. The required features were working just simply out of the box. Compared to the previous tries, Words for JAVA was a “one click solution”.

As a sum, if you are intending to find a proper docx to PDF converter, and you want to avoid lots of efforts writing your own, investigating available products, reverse engineer partially documented, or ready tools, libraries, then Aspose.Words for JAVA is the one that can easily make the job for you. Integration to your application is quite simple, and you can easily find your proper license that fits you the best.

devopsOxfordshire, United Kingdom5 つ星

A key feature of the webonboarding product is the ability to upload DOCX templates. These templates are then merged with onboardee personal data along with job offer data and the output is converted to PDF for review and signing. After extensive research and development, we chose Aspose.Words for Java as a vital building block in the document generation process.

One challenge in implementing this feature was finding a reliable way of converting the generated DOCX file to PDF. Our requirements were:

  1. Fidelity: The output PDF file needs to match the input DOCX as closely as possible. This includes fonts and the ability to convert more irregular DOCX features such as tables and text boxes.
  2. Speed: The application should generate single documents as well as bulk documents in the thousands, in a reasonable amount of time.
  3. Reliability: The process needs to run successfully regardless of the input document.

We implemented a trial version of Aspose.Words for Java and were astonished at the improved speed performance, reliability and quality of the output document.Key improvements:

  1. Fidelity: Aspose has been able to convert all the DOCX features we have tested, maintaining document layout and appearance. Aspose correctly converts documents with embedded fonts. For non-embedded fonts, Aspose uses the correct fonts if present on the server and provides a mechanism for defining specific fall-back fonts for metric compatibility.
  2. Speed: On a bulk generation of 1,000 documents, Aspose has cut the generation by one third, when compared to our previous implementation on the same environment with a similar system load.
  3. Reliability: Aspose has been able to reliably convert every DOCX document we have tested even complex and large documents, and is able to convert documents with embedded fonts.

After extensive research and testing we decided to go with the Aspose.Words for Java library for converting DOCX documents to PDF. The library is robust, fast and produces high quality PDF files matching the input DOCX formatting and layout. The library is flexible and may be used for more tasks throughout the system in the future.

UNiQUARE Software DevelopmentAustria5 つ星

Our company (UNiQUARE Software Development GmbH) provides a "product library" (application with scalable business scope) for banks and financial service providers. The solution covers customer relationship management, branch services and more. Beside the rich business functionality, our software already provided several reports and printouts in PDF, DOC and XLS format. A customer asked us to provide some simple forms also in DOCX format, respectively based on DOCX templates (using a find replace mechanisms for defined placeholders).

The currently used solutions (Apache POI via Cocoon, Eclipse BIRT) were examinded. Apache POI does not really hide the documents DOM structure and some API functions we need are missing. We evaluated other APIs also but Aspose was the only one (!) that offers a well designed API. It helped us to decrease development time.

rkisinCA, USA5 つ星

We recently started using Aspose.Words for Java and have been happy. We are using Java on the backend and tried using Apache POI for parsing, manipulating and transforming the contents of the docx files. With the POI we found ourselves spending too much time fixing bugs and implementing missing functionality.
Short of running Word on the server, Aspose.Words for Java is a way to go for a Java project involving processing MS Word documents. We use it to convert uploaded Word documents to HTML format, process it and then export the result back into DOCX or PDF while adding headers, footers and waternarks.


We recently started using Aspose.Words for Java and have been happy. We are using Java on the backend and tried using Apache POI for parsing, manipulating and transforming the contents of the docx files. With the POI we found ourselves spending too much time fixing bugs and implementing missing functionality.
Short of running Word on the server, Aspose.Words for Java is a way to go for a Java project involving processing MS Word documents. We use it to convert uploaded Word documents to HTML format, process it and then export the result back into DOCX or PDF while adding headers, footers and waternarks.

I'm pleased to give Aspose.Words my team’s best recommendations.


ykwan5 つ星

Autonomous document generation has always been an essential and critical feature in an advanced ticketing system but also a demanding task in terms of development. Aspose.Words for Java makes this task much easier like no other products before. With only a few lines of coding, the development process of these complicated tasks are accomplished efficiently as a result of time and resource saving. Furthermore, distortion in generated documents is a common problem in documents conversion products. With the Aspose.Words for Java, the result document looks exactly the same as the original one after conversion; therefore no extra resource is needed to adjust the original document. All in all, Aspose is an advanced and reliable document suite providing great benefits to application development.

Steve Delaney5 つ星

Sopra Banking Software UK is a market leader in providing software applications and services to the UK financial services industry.  Our mortgage origination application was already capable of producing documents compliant with the regulatory standards in either an RTF or PDF format, but we wanted to extend this capability to support DOC and DOCX as well – that is when we turned to Aspose.Words for Java.

The mortgage origination application produces documents in RTF format.  The production of these documents is a complicated process.  A series of complex templates, that utilise Microsoft Word field codes to provide page numbering and conditional logic, are used and it is vital that the documents are produced in a consistent format for all variations of a mortgage application.

Once generated the documents are then either returned in RTF format or converted to PDF on request by a Java based service.  When converting the documents to PDF it is again essential that neither the format nor content is distorted.   To convert the documents to PDF the Java service used a number of 3rd party libraries and completed the process in 2 separate stages.  

We started by evaluating the latest versions of the existing 3rd party libraries, but soon identified that they did not support the DOC and DOCX formats, where Aspose.Words for Java did. Our R&D team carried out a comprehensive proof of concept using the evaluation version of Aspose.Words for Java and confirmed that not only was it capable of meeting our requirement, but it would also allow us to simplify our code base, replacing a dependency on three external libraries to convert an RTF document to either PDF, DOC or DOCX format with one and to completely remove the need for Word Automation. The R&D team found the API for Aspose.Words to be well documented with a number of comprehensive examples available online.

By implementing Aspose.Words we have established the potential to extend our product further in the future by capitalising on the comprehensive and feature rich API suite provided by Aspose.Words. We have already identified two additional areas for potential future improvement. Other parts of our application use a combination of templates and Microsoft Word mail merge to generate documents.  This mechanism works, but it does rely on having a Windows Server in order to generate the documents – something that we could potentially look to replace with Aspose.Words mail merge capability.  In addition to this we are currently investigating the feasibility of hosting our application in the cloud, which would mean the use of Microsoft Word Automation would no longer be a viable option.  Aspose.Words comprehensive API would provide us with a viable alternative, creating a solution that is both robust and platform agnostic.

hx02MA, USA5 つ星
We are a company that develops online word processor. One big challenge is to convert Microsoft Word DOC, DOCX and RTF contents to and from our proprietary data model. Due to limitation of the thin client and the complex nature of Microsoft Word document, we must handle the conversion in the server side. Our server-side technology is java/spring/hibernate. We realized that there aren’t many options out there in java space that deals with DOC(X) processing. And we only look for proven and mature products. We have evaluated Apache POI in public domain. One main problem we found with Apache POI is that there are many seemingly independent components under the hood and we must use two different components to handle DOC and DOCX. The POI component that handles DOCX is fairly new and doesn’t have many features yet. As far as RTF is concerned, Apache POI simply doesn’t support it. Knowing that Apache POI isn’t a good choice for our application, we checked out Aspose.Words for java. In fact, it’s only commercial product in the space, as far as our search goes. The evaluation was very smooth. We easily created a Maven artifact for the Aspose library and integrated the library into our backend web application. Based on our experience, we believe Aspose.Words for java is the top product in this space and is actually far superior to any other solutions. Due to space limitation, we can only share with you two main features that are most valuable to us, from a technology perspective. First, Aspose.Words uses a consistent, intuitive and well-documented DOM model as underlying document structure. This DOM model is straight-forward and easy to understand and turns out to be quite expressive and powerful. This DOM model is actually different from OOXML’s DOM model. We like Aspose’s DOM model a lot better. It reminds us of the difference between JDOM and W3C model for XML, where JDom’s model is way simpler and more intuitive yet powerful enough to deal with most manipulations ever needed for a business application. To our surprise, one single DOM model is used across all formats supported by Aspose.Words, including but not limited to DOC, DOCX and RTF. This particular design/feature of Aspose.Words greatly lowers the level of effort on our side because we only need to develop one code base to handle all three formats currently needed by our application, as well as other formats (such as PostScript) that may be needed in the future. We found this design/architecture to be the key technology strength of Aspose.Words, in addition to its rich features and APIs. Second, Aspose.Words is able to preserve all OLE components in the original Word documents in its open/close round trip. That is: having Apose.Words load an existing Word document into its DOM model in memory and immediately export the DOM model back to Word document. Aspose.Words will generate a lossless copy of the document, compared to the original one. This feature is crucial to our application and no other product – commercial or public domain –clains to provide that feature as far as we know.