AutoDWG DWG to SVG Converter の価格

AutoDWG DWG to SVG Converter(英語版)のご希望のライセンス条件については、当社のAutoDWG専門のライセンス担当者にお問い合わせください。

当社の販売価格は以下の通りです。 ログオンしていただくと、お客様の割引価格をご参照いただけます。

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AutoDWG DWG to SVG Converter 2024

Professional - 1 Single User License - Includes 1 Year Updates

Special Offer Price

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-555634-1192482

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 41,250 (税込) カートに追加

Licensed per user.

After successfully placing your order the download instructions and a license file to unlock the software will be sent to you via email.

  • Download instructions and License Code for AutoDWG DWG to SVG Converter - Professional

1 Year Updates Renewal for 1 Professional Single User License

弊社パーツ番号 #: CSJ-555634-1224779

ライセンスと配送 ¥ 20,680 (税込) カートに追加

Extends your subscription for updates and technical support for an additional 1 year.


After verification your subscription period will be extended and your new renewal date sent to you via email.

  • Confirmation of Updates Subscription Renewal

Server License - Includes 1 Year Updates


1 Year Updates Renewal for 1 Server License


AutoDWG DWG to SVG Converter(英語版) のライセンス

One software license is required per user.

Single-User License.
The Single User License allows a single copy of software program to be installed and used with only one person on one computer. If other users will use the application on any of the computers that the application will be installed on, then additional Single User Licenses or a Network License needs to be obtained for each user who plans to use the application.

Server - Concurrent License.
The Concurrent license is a server license based on the number of simultaneous users accessing the program. It typically deals with software running in the server where users connect via the network. For example, in a five-user concurrent user license, after five users are logged on to the program, the sixth user is prohibited. When any one of the first five log out, the next person can log in. Concurrent licensing can be managed by the independent software metering tools, typically running Citrix XenApp.
