ComponentSpace FTP Component(英語版)


ComponentSpace 社の製品
2002 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

価格:¥ 41,250 (税込)〜 バージョン: v3.4.0.12 更新日: Sep 9, 2009


Please note that as of 2012, ComponentSpace FTP Component will no longer be actively developed, but will still be officially supported.

ComponentSpace FTP Component について


ComponentSpace FTPは、コンポーネントが全てのFTPニーズを満たし、完全なFTPクライアントアプリケーションを作成する、あるいはアプリケーション内からファイル転送を実行できるようにします。リストディレクトリの作成、削除、変更ができます。ディレクトリリストは完全に解析できます。ファイルのアップロード、ダウンロード、追加、削除、名前変更ができます。中断されたファイルアップロードとダウンロードを再起動できます。長いオペレーションを中止できます。ダウンロード/アップロードの進捗通知イベントを受信できます。パッシブあるいはアクティブデータ接続の両方がサポートされます。Microsoft WebRequestと接続可能なプロトコル構造が完全にサポートされています。クラス・ライブラリは100% のマネージドC#コードで書かれています。C#、Visual Basic.NET(VB, VB.NET), ASP.NETアプリケーション等の事例が含まれています。ComponentSpace FTPコンポーネントは64ビット、.NETフレームワーク4とVisual Studio 2010と互換性があります。

ComponentSpace FTP Component may be used in any Windows or Web application by adding a reference to the assembly to access the classes in the KeyTech.Ftp namespace.

The FtpClient class allows you to connect to an FTP server and perform directory, file and other operations. This class handles both the command connection and data connections automatically. You may specify whether to use a passive or active data connection or let the class library choose automatically. Optionally, you may receive events tracing each FTP command sent and each reply received. Lengthy operations may be terminated using the Abort command. ComponentSpace FTP Component is 64bit, .NET framework 4 and VS2010 compatible.

Directory related operations include changing to a specified directory, changing to the parent directory, removing a directory, creating a directory, getting the current directory, and listing the contents of the directory. Helper classes perform parsing of raw directory listings into Unix or MS-DOS directory list items.

File related operations include renaming a file, deleting a file, appending to a file, uploading, downloading and restarts. File transfers may either be done in binary or ASCII mode. .NET streams are fully supported. Optionally, you may receive progress events tracking the number of bytes transferred in the current operation.

The FtpWebRequest and FtpWebResponse classes fully support the Microsoft pluggable protocols architecture. Once the FtpWebRequestCreator factory class is registered you can perform FTP file uploads and downloads by specifying an ftp:// URI and using the generic Microsoft WebRequest and WebResponse classes.

All operations may be performed either synchronously (blocking) or asynchronously (non-blocking) using Begin and End style methods. For example, as well as a Download method, there are also BeginDownload and EndDownload methods. For asynchronous calls you may receive completion notification either through an event or a callback method.

All classes that raise events support a SynchronizingObject property. All classes report errors through the FtpException.

Main Features

  • Supports RFC-959 and related RFCs
  • Supports both passive and active data connections
  • Create, delete, change to and list directories
  • Directory listings are fully parsed
  • Upload, download, append, delete and rename files
  • Supports both binary and ASCII file transfers
  • Restart interrupted file uploads and downloads
  • Abort lengthy operations
  • Send Site and other commands
  • Receive download/upload progress notification events
  • Optionally trace all FTP commands and responses
  • Specify both send and receive timeouts
  • Calling applications may make either synchronous or asynchronous calls
  • Asynchronous calls may either use events or callbacks
  • 100% managed code written in C#
  • Object oriented design specifically for the .NET framework
  • Supports the Microsoft WebRequest pluggable protocols architecture
  • All error handling through .NET exceptions
  • Comprehensive Visual Studio .NET style documentation
  • VB.NET and C# example source code
  • Includes prompt free email support
  • Royalty free runtime
  • Source code available

This class library may also be purchased as part of the Key Technology .NET Internet Suite.