DevExpress BI Dashboard(英語版)
DevExpress 社の製品
2001 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。
One software license is required per developer.
You may install the product on more than one machine as long as each developer has their own license. This allows you to install it on your work, home and laptop machines. Run-time royalty free.
Subscription includes new minor and major versions released by Developer Express for 12 months.
Priority Support includes priority technical support directly from DevExpress's subject matter experts.
Support is available via the DevExpress Support Center. Support services are not offered by phone, chat, or email. DevExpress generally respond to a question within one business day but some responses may require additional time.
Support is only provided to developers with a valid license.
Renewals - If you are renewing your license before (or up to 30 days after) the current expiration date, the new expiration date will be calculated based on the original order date.