HarePoint Active Directory Self Service について

エンドユーザーが自分でActive Directoryプロファイルを管理可能

HarePoint Active Directory Self Serviceは、ユーザーがActive Directoryのプロファイルを管理、更新することを可能にするMicrosoft SharePoint 2013、2010、2007のWebパーツです。この製品を使用すると、常に実質的に無償で最新のディレクトリ情報を持つことができます。

HarePoint Active Directory Self Service is a must-have instrument for domain administrators. With the help of this product, administrators can provide users with the possibility to add and modify the information in their Active Directory profile by themselves. Any user authorized on the web site can independently and quickly change his mobile phone number, address, job position, etc. Users can also upload photos into Active Directory and/or their SharePoint profile.

With HarePoint Active Directory Self Service, a site administrator can:

  • Configure the set of profile fields shown to the user;
  • Set the attributes of fields – those available for editing or for reading only;
  • Configure the web part access for certain users only / groups of users only;
  • Get logs with data on all changes made and receive summary notifications for a specified period.
  • Avoid the ​annoying processing of uploaded photos.