Spread.NET 11 Service Pack 1

Released: Apr 25, 2018

11 Service Pack 1 での更新項目


  • Windows Forms - Now supports filtering by Color on No Fill, like Excel.
  • ASP.NET - To reduce the view state size for cases with many hidden cells, new property AllowGenerateHiddenData can be set to false. This property is much more powerful than AllowGetAllHiddenValue - when AllowGenerateHiddenData is set to false, then all hidden values in the sheet are kept server-side, reducing the size of view state and also improving the security of the page for cases where the hidden values on the sheet are sensitive and should be kept server-side. In that case, the client-side APIs GetHiddenValue and GetHiddenCellValue will not work.
  • The minimum target framework version has changed from .NET 4.0 to .NET 4.5.2. This change affects all assemblies of Spread.NET 11 and all components and controls.