DevExpress Universal(英語版)


DevExpress 社の製品
2001 年より日本国内にてComponentSourceで販売中。

価格:¥ 456,500 (税込)〜 バージョン: 24.2 新機能 更新日: Dec 12, 2024 レビューの平均スコア: 5.00レビューの平均スコア: 5.00レビューの平均スコア: 5.00レビューの平均スコア: 5.00レビューの平均スコア: 5.00 (75)


DevExpress Universal ships with the following platform specific UI components/development libraries: DevExpress WinForms, DevExpress WPF, DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor, DevExtreme Complete, DevExpress .NET MAUI, DevExpress Reporting, DevExpress Office File API, DevExpress BI Dashboard, eXpressApp Framework (XAF), TestCafe Studio, and more.

DevExpress Universal について


DevExpress Universal helps you build applications for Windows, Web, mobile and tablet with all of the DevExpress single platform controls and more. The feature-complete Universal Subscription includes hundreds of Desktop UI Controls (WinForms, WPF and Desktop Reporting), Web UI Controls (Blazor, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and Core, Bootstrap Web Forms, JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue, and Web Reporting), Mobile Controls (.NET MAUI), Frameworks and Productivity Tools (XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI, XPO - ORM Library and CodeRush - Visual Studio Productivity and Refactoring) and Enterprise and Server Tools (BI Dashboard and Office File APIs). It also includes TestCafe Studio, the DevExpress Icon Library, and source code for all controls and libraries.

DevExpress Universal Features

Desktop Controls

  • WinForms - With over 190 controls, the DevExpress WinForms Subscription has everything you'll need to create high-impact business solutions for the Windows Forms platform.
  • WPF - The DevExpress WPF Subscription ships with over 130 UI Controls and Libraries allowing you to build Microsoft Office inspired and data analysis application.
  • Desktop Reporting - The DevExpress Reporting Subscription delivers easy-to-use customization options and a rich set of report controls.

Web Controls

  • ASP.NET - Server-side ASP.NET Controls - the toolset combines versatile controls and straightforward development model.
  • ASP.NET MVC and Core - These ASP.NET MVC optimized extensions share much of the core code with the ASP.NET controls.
  • Bootstrap Web Forms - A new generation of ASP.NET controls written from scratch to support Bootstrap themes and adaptivity.
  • JS - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue - A fully integrated JavaScript mobile development framework so you can create store-ready, multi-device applications across platforms and devices.
  • Web Reporting - The DevExpress Reporting Subscription delivers easy-to-use customization options and a rich set of report controls.
  • Blazor Components - UI components (including a Data Grid, Pivot Grid, Scheduler, Rich Text Editor and Charts) so you can design rich user experiences for both Blazor server-side and Blazor client-side platforms.

Frameworks and Productivity

  • XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI - XAF is a .NET application framework that creates powerful multi-platform UI for line-of-business apps. Seamless integration of DevExpress presentation controls and ORM libraries (Entity Framework or XPO) means you can build feature-rich and highly interactive WinForms and ASP.NET (Blazor or Web Forms) database apps.
  • XAF - .NET App Security API - Role-based Access Control and User Authentication for .NET Apps Powered by the XPO and Entity Framework ORMs. From WinForms, WPF and ASP.NET, to .NET server technologies like ASP.NET Web API/OData, WCF - XAF's Security System is the perfect choice for the enterprise.
  • XPO - ORM Library - Object-Relational Mapping library that handles all aspects of database creation and object persistence. It offers Code First, Model First and Database First development workflows.
  • CodeRush for Visual Studio - Write code at the speed of thought, automate testing, visually debug and refactor with CodeRush for Visual Studio.

User Authentication/Group Authorization API (.NET)

  • for Entity Framework Core ORM
  • for XPO ORM

Enterprise and Server tools

  • BI Dashboard - Create and distribute royalty-free decision support systems and effortlessly share business intelligence (BI) across your entire enterprise. Use the intuitive Dashboard Designer alongside the Dashboard Viewer and deliver high-impact dashboards for your next WinForms, WPF, Web Forms, ASP.NET Core, and Angular/React/Vue or Blazor project.
  • Office File API - A non-visual .NET Library that allows you and your team to process Excel, Word, and PDF documents without using Microsoft Office automation.

Testing and QA

  • TestCafe Studio - Web Testing - TestCafe Studio delivers functional web application testing on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Mobile Controls

  • .NET MAUI Controls - Written in Objective-C (iOS) and Java/Kotlin (Android), DevExpress .NET MAUI components (including Data Grid, Charts, Data Editors, CollectionView, Tabs & Drawer) integrate seamlessly with the .NET MAUI platform using MAUI 'Handlers'.

Images and Icons

  • Icon Library - A rich collection of icons and images.

Source Code

DevExpress Universal includes source code for all UI controls and dev libraries that ship as part of the Subscription. This includes source code for the following platforms and products:

  • WinForms Controls
  • WPF Controls
  • ASP.NET Controls
  • Blazor Components
  • JavaScript - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue
  • .NET MAUI Controls
  • Reporting
  • Office File API
  • BI Dashboard
  • XPO - ORM Library
  • XAF - Cross-Platform .NET App UI